May 3, 2022 – Domestic Violence and Parenting

“I agree with the observations of Forgeron J. in MacNeil v. Playford, 2008 NSSC 268 as follows:

[10] Parental conduct, including domestic violence, may affect the ability of a parent to provide proper care, nurture and example to his/her child.  Domestic violence demonstrates an inability to problem solve in a healthy manner.  Domestic violence shows the absence of respect and dignity for the other parent.  Domestic violence demonstrates a reactive personality with poor impulse control.  Domestic violence is emblematic of poor parenting skills.

[11] Domestic violence will usually impact on the court’s determination as to whom should be assigned primary care of a child.  This is one factor, albeit a significant one, which determines the best interests of the child.  The seriousness of the assaults, the frequency of the assaults, the circumstances of the parties, and the circumstances of the child, all must be examined and balanced in determining the best interest of the child.”

         Baran v. Baran, 2019 ONSC 2653 (CanLII) at 53