April 29 – Judge Seizing A Case

“Rule 39(9) lists the functions of a case management judge, who is required to supervise the progress of the case, to conduct conferences and to hear motions. Rule 39(9) is seen as the gold standard of case management, but it only applies to cases in unified Family Court jurisdictions. Since this case was not decided at a unified Family Court site, the more sparse case management provisions of r. 41 apply. This rule does not explicitly list the functions of a case management judge. This distinction in the Rules reflects the fact that unified sites historically had more judicial resources and therefore could provide more active case management.

However, nothing in the Family Law Rules precludes a judge from using her inherent jurisdiction, and the obligation to actively case manage under r. 2(5), to seize herself of a case. This is the best means of promoting the objectives of the Rules and ensuring that cases are dealt with justly as required by r. 2(3).”

D.G. v. A.F., 2015 ONCA 290 at 12-13