July 21, 2022 – Appointing Amicus

“The considerations for appointing amicus in a family law case (other than a child protection case) were recently articulated by the Ontario Court of Appeal in Morwald-Benevides v. Benevides, 2019 ONCA 1023.  The Court applied the principles from Ontario v. Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario, 2013 SCC 43 to the family law context.  The Court said the following:

(a)The appointment of amicus is “exceptional” or “rare”.  Trial judges routinely resolve family law disputes without counsel on one or even both sides.  Self-representation, on its own, is an insufficient reason to appoint amicus;

(b) Trial judges must consider whether they can personally provide sufficient guidance to an unrepresented party, in the circumstances of the case, to permit a fair and orderly trial;

(c) The Court should also consider the availability of alternatives to appointing amicus.  These might include the availability of legal aid or appointing the Children’s Lawyer in a case involving a child.   But the Court may also balance against these potential alternatives, how invoking them might create more delay;

(d) Amicus may be appointed in rare or exceptional circumstances, when a judge requires assistance to ensure “the orderly conduct of proceedings”, and “the availability of relevant submissions”;

(e) A party has a right to self-represent.  Nevertheless, amicus might be warranted where the self-represented party is “ungovernable or contumelious”, where the party refuses to participate or disrupts trial proceedings, or where the party is adamant about conducting the case personally but is “hopelessly incompetent to do so, risking real injustice”;

(f) The assistance of amicus must be essential to the adequate discharge of the judicial functions in the case.  The stakes must be high enough to warrant amicus;

(g) Amicus may assist in the presentation of evidence, but cannot control a party’s litigation strategy;

(h) “Very rarely”, amicus may mirror the duties of traditional counsel;

(i) However it is defined, the role of amicus must be clear, detailed and precise.  During the trial, the Court must monitor the amicus, to ensure that he or she stays on course and remains within the limits of the role;

(j)  The role may change or be refined as circumstances change during trial;

(k) Once appointed, the amicus is bound by a duty of loyalty and integrity to the Court, not to any of the parties to the proceedings; and

(l)  A party may not discharge amicus; only the Court may do so.”

W.A.C. v. C.A.F., 2021 ONSC 5140 (CanLII) at 20

July 20, 2022 – Enforcing Family Arbitration Awards

“The Respondent submits that the statutory threshold for converting the Final Arbitration Awards into Court Orders in this case has been met.

The Respondent relies on the Arbitration Act, 1991 S.O. 1991, C.17, which confirms the binding nature of Final Arbitration Awards. Section 37 of the Arbitration Act provides that, “An award binds the parties, unless it is set aside or varied under section 45 or 46… .”

Section 59.8(2) of the Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.3 (the “Family Law Act”), and Rule 32.1(2) of the Family Law Rules, R.S.O. 1990, c. C. 43, provides that a party entitled to enforcement of an arbitration award shall make a motion in an existing proceeding rather than an application.

Section 59.8(4) of the Family Law Act further governs enforcement of family arbitrations awards and provides that:

(4)   If the family arbitration award satisfies the condition set out in subsection 59.6(1), the court shall make an order in the same terms as the award, unless:

(a)   the period for commencing an appeal or an application to set the award aside has not yet elapsed;

(b)   there is a pending appeal, application to set the award aside or application for a declaration of invalidity; or

(c)   the award has been set aside or the arbitration is the subject of a declaration of invalidity.

Section 59.8(5) of the Family Law Act provides that if clause (4)(a) or (b) above applies, the Court may make an order in the same terms as the award; or order, on such conditions as are just, that the enforcement of the award is stayed until the period has elapsed without an appeal or application being commenced or until the pending proceeding [i.e. an appeal or application to set aside or for a declaration of invalidity] is finally disposed of.

Paragraph 15.1 of the parties’ Arbitration Agreement with Mr. Grant confirms that the Final Arbitration Awards were intended to bind the parties within this statutory context:

Subject to the appeal remedies and rights to apply to set aside Mr. Grant’s Award under sections 45 and 46, respectively, of the Arbitration Act and subject to the other applicable provisions of the Arbitration Act, and the Family Law Act, Mr. Grant’s awards are binding on the parties. Any temporary, interim or final award may be incorporated into a consent order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Either party may apply for the enforcement of any award under section 59.8(5) (a) of the Family Law Act.

The Respondent relies on this Court’s decision in DeCraemer v. Decraemer, 2012 ONSC 1182 (“DeCraemer”), in which the parties entered into minutes of settlement which formed the basis of a consent arbitration award. In that case, both parties sought enforcement of the minutes of settlement as a final settlement of all issues. Justice Bielby found that the parties’ agreement met the criteria set out in s. 59.6 of the Arbitration Act and was therefore enforceable. Justice Bielby stated the following (at paras. 34-35):

34      The Family Law Act, sections 59.6 and 59.8 allow for the enforcement of arbitration awards by the court. I find that the agreement met the criteria set out therein and that the agreement is enforceable. Accordingly, I can make an order in accordance with the award. An action remains outstanding and the matter was properly brought before the court by way of a motion.

35      If an order is made incorporating an arbitration award, it is subject to all the powers of the court: Thibodeau v. Thibodeau2009 CarswellOnt 2638 (Ont. S.C.J.). The court has the authority to make orders on the same terms as the award: Gray v. Brusby2008 CarswellOnt 4045 (Ont. S.C.J.).

In Thibodeau v. Thibodeau, 2011 ONCA 110, the Court of Appeal described the operation of s. 59.8 of the Family Law Act as a mechanism for enforcing arbitration awards, not an opportunity to update or vary such awards (at para. 72):

Section 59.8 is essentially an enforcement proceeding designed to turn a family arbitration award into a court order with the enforceability that goes with such an order. Respectfully, it is not an opportunity for the Superior Court judge hearing the application to tweak or alter the arbitration award to conform to what the judge may think the arbitrator should have done. Nor is it an opportunity to “correct” the award retroactively, the better to protect a payee spouse in the event of a subsequently occurring bankruptcy at the expense of other creditors.

The Respondent submits that the conditions in the Family Law Act and the Arbitration Act for the enforceability of the Final Arbitration Awards have been met in this case.

I agree.

The 2016 Arbitration Agreement, under which the Final Arbitration Awards were made, was executed by both parties, as well as Mr. Grant.

Each of the parties was represented by experienced senior legal counsel at the time of the Arbitration Agreement. The parties’ counsel signed Certificates of Independent Legal Advice.

Both parties also were represented when the terms of the Final Arbitration Awards were agreed upon.

Mr. Grant issued the Final Arbitration Award in writing and delivered the issued awards to the parties’ respective counsel.

The Awards were made on consent, and there has been no application to set the Awards aside or for a declaration of invalidity.

Justice Nelson dealt with a similar situation in A.S. v. A.S, 2005 CanLII 20817 (Ont. S.C.J), involving a request for a court order incorporating Ontario arbitration awards in circumstances where the child in question was no longer habitually resident in Ontario. Nelson J. held (at para. 13):

[13] I raised the question with counsel of whether jurisdiction could be lost by the arbitrators, notwithstanding the jurisdiction provisions of the separation agreements, as a result of the child no longer being habitually resident in Ontario. Counsel for the mother took the [sic] position that the jurisdiction of the arbitrators was lost due to this fact. It is my view however, that simply because [sic] an Israeli court has made an order in relation to this matter does not mean the jurisdiction of the arbitrators is lost. Under the present circumstances involving an access dispute, which was well within the contemplation of the parties when they signed the agreements, the arbitrators still have jurisdiction. On this motion I am simply deciding whether to incorporate the terms of an arbitration award into an order pursuant to the Arbitration Act. The contracts between the parties with respect to the issues of access, custody, and jurisdiction are valid and subsisting contracts. …

On Appeal, the Court of Appeal affirmed Justice Nelson’s conclusion that where the statutory conditions have been satisfied, it is justified for the Court to enforce an arbitration award as a Court Order (Shoval v. Shoval, 2006 CanLII 60347 (Ont. C.A.).

For similar reasons, I find that the Final Arbitration Awards in this case are enforceable as Court Orders.”

         Borschel v. Borschel, 2020 ONSC 4395 (CanLII) at 71-88

July 19, 2022 – Balev & The Hague

“The first case in Ontario to consider the effect of Balev on Hague decisions was Justice Pawagi’s decision in Andegiorgis v. Giorgis, 2018 ONCJ 965. In that case, the children had moved between Canada and Norway, but last lived in Norway with their parents.  The parties separated, and the mother left Norway for Toronto with the children. The father commenced a Hague Application for the return of the children to Norway.  The mother took the position that as a result of Balev, the Court must consider the circumstances of the children after the alleged wrongful removal and gave significant evidence that the children were now more connected to Canada and therefore Canada was their place of habitual residence.  Justice Pawagi stated at para. 34:

Father’s counsel submits, on the other hand, that, contrary to popular belief/fear, a close reading of Balev would demonstrate this is not what Balev has done. I agree with the father’s counsel’s interpretation that Balev has not actually eviscerated the Hague Convention. (emphasis added)

Justice Pawagi clarified the conflicting interpretations of Balev, highlighting that the Supreme Court of Canada decision is clear that when using the hybrid approach, “the judge must determine the focal point of the child’s life – the family and social environment in which its life has developed” – immediately prior to the removal or retentionSubsequent links are relevant only to the exception under Article 12.

At para. 39, Justice Pawagi offered further clarification:

The Supreme Court is clear that while the child’s circumstances are to be considered along with parental intention in the hybrid approach, the timing of those circumstances are prior to the wrongful removal or retention, and not afterwards. The court is clear that the child’s circumstances following the wrongful removal or retention can only be considered when the Hague application is not brought within a year of the wrongful removal or retention.

Thus, in an alleged wrongful retention case, as Balev was, the court is to consider not just parental intention regarding the temporary nature of the state, but also the children’s circumstances, including connections they form, during the agreed-upon temporary stay. But the court should not consider circumstances after the alleged wrongful retention.

Thus, Balev has only really expanded what the court must consider in determining habitual residence in wrongful retention cases as the court may now consider connections the child forms in another jurisdiction during the agreed-upon temporary stay.

Balev has not expanded the test to permit the court to consider connections formed after a wrongful removal (where the application was brought within one year).

In the case before me, I cannot consider the children’s connections to Ontario created after their wrongful retention in Ontario. In using the hybrid approach set out in Balev, I can still only consider the relevant factors in place prior to the children’s wrongful retention and not those formed since returning to Ontario.”

         Knight v. Gottesman, 2019 ONSC 4341 (CanLII) at 34-37

July 18, 2022 – Imputing Income for Child Support

“Before I turn to consider the evidence and make my findings, it is prudent to review the legal principles that apply to the determination of a payor’s income for the purposes of determining child support. To begin with, the determination of income for the purposes of child support is governed by ss. 15 to 20 of the Federal Child Support Guidelines, SOR/97-175. Section 19 concerns the imputation of income and provides as follows:

19.(1) The court may impute such amount of income to a spouse as it considers appropriate in the circumstances, which circumstances include the following:

(a) the spouse is intentionally under-employed or unemployed, other than where the under-employment or unemployment is required by the needs of a child of the marriage or any child under the age of majority or by the reasonable educational or health needs of the spouse;

(b) the spouse is exempt from paying federal or provincial income tax;

(c) the spouse lives in a country that has effective rates of income tax that are significantly lower than those in Canada;

(d) it appears that income has been diverted which would affect the level of child support to be determined under these Guidelines;

(e) the spouse’s property is not reasonably utilized to generate income;

(f) the spouse has failed to provide income information when under a legal obligation to do so;

(g) the spouse unreasonably deducts expenses from income;

(h) the spouse derives a significant portion of income from dividends, capital gains or other sources that are taxed at a lower rate than employment or business income or that are exempt from tax; and

(i) the spouse is a beneficiary under a trust and is or will be in receipt of income or other benefits from the trust.

The list is not exhaustive and it is not intended to circumscribe the court’s general discretion to impute income in other situations where it might be appropriate to do so. The only limitation on the court’s discretion rests with the requirement that there be some basis in the evidence for the amount that court chooses to impute: see Korwin v. Potworowski, 2007 ONCA 739, 43 R.F.L. (6th) 1.

The leading case on this subject is Drygala v. Pauli (2002), 2002 CanLII 41868 (ON CA), 61 O.R. (3d) 711 (C.A.). In that case, the Ontario Court of Appeal stated that imputing income is one method that the court may use to give effect to the joint and ongoing obligation of parents to support their children. To meet that obligation, parents must earn what they are capable of earning: at para. 32. If they fail to do so, they will be found to be intentionally under-employed. The applicable principles that emanate from Drygala, which were summarized recently in C.V. v. S.G., 2019 ONCJ 159, at para. 329, are the following:

          1. One of the objectives of the Guidelines is to establish a fair amount of support for children to ensure they benefit from the financial means of both parents after separation;
          2.  It is not necessary to find a specific intent to evade child support obligations before income can be imputed. There is no requirement of bad faith;
          3. There is a duty to seek employment. A parent cannot avoid child support by a “self-induced” reduction of income; and
          4. If income is to be imputed, there must be a rational basis for the figure selected. The Court must consider what is reasonable in the circumstances, including the payor’s age, education, experience, skills, health, the availability of job opportunities, the number of hours that could be worked in light of the parent’s overall obligations and the hourly rate that the parent could reasonably be expected to obtain.

In Duffy v. Duffy, 2009 NLCA 48, 289 Nfld. & P.E.I.R. 132, at para. 35, another leading case, the Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal outlined eight general principles to consider in deciding whether to impute income:

          1. The fundamental obligation of a parent to supporthis or her children takes precedence over the parent’s own interests and choices;
          2. A parent will not be permitted to knowingly avoid or diminish, and may not choose to ignore, his or her obligation to supporthis or her children;
          3. A parent is required to act responsibly when making financial decisions that may affect the level of child support available from that parent;
          4. Imputing income to a parent on the basis that the parent is “intentionally under-employed or unemployed” does not incorporate a requirement for proof of bad faith. “Intentionally” in this context clarifies that the provision does not apply to situations beyond the parent’s control;
          5. The determination to impute income is discretionary, as the court considers appropriate in the circumstances;
          6. Where a parent is intentionally under-employed or unemployed, the court may exercise its discretion not to impute income where that parent establishes the reasonableness of his or her decision;
          7. A parent will not be excused from his or her child supportobligations in furtherance of unrealistic or unproductive career aspirations or interests. Nor will it be acceptable for a parent to choose to work for future rewards to the detriment of the present needs of his or her children, unless the parent establishes the reasonableness of his or her course of action; and
          8. A parent must provide proper and full disclosure of financial information. Failure to do so may result in the court drawing an adverse inference and imputing income.

Finally, the onus falls on the parent requesting that income be imputed to provide an evidentiary basis upon which a quantum can be imputed: see Homsi v. Zaya, 2009 ONCA 322, 65 R.F.L. (6th) 17, at para. 28; and Tillmanns v. Tillmanns, 2014 ONSC 6773, 53 R.F.L. (7th) 210, at para. 58.”

         Makeeva v. Makeev, 2019 ONSC 4334 (CanLII) at 62-66

July 15, 2022 – Relocation and Material Change Under the new Divorce Act

“The recent amendments to the Divorce Act set out the factors to be considered in determining the best interests of the child when making a parenting order and additional factors to be considered when a parent is seeking authority to relocate (s. 16(3) and s. 16.92).  This framework of analysis, as codified, replaces the common law test set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in Gordon v. Goertz, 1996 CanLII 191 (SCC), [1996] S.C.J. No. 52.  The legislation appears to now set out a complete guide for the court to follow when faced with these very challenging applications.

The framework fails however, to state whether there must first be a change in circumstances before the provisions of s. 16.9 and s. 16.92 of the Divorce Act are to be considered.  A change in circumstances was established as the threshold question by the Supreme Court of Canada in Gordon v. Goertz.  Without a change in circumstances, the application for relocation would not be considered.

Section 17(5) of the Divorce Act provides that “before the court makes a variation order in respect of a custody order, the court shall satisfy itself that there has been a change in the condition, means, needs or other circumstances of the child of the marriage occurring since the making of the custody order” and further, the court is required to take into consideration only the best interests of the child as determined by reference to that change.  S. 17(5.2) provides that the relocation of a child is deemed to constitute a change in the circumstances of the child for the purposes of subsection (5).

As relocation contemplates a significant geographic move away from the other parent, it will inevitably necessitate a variation to any existing order.  Therefore, the provisions of s. 16.9, s. 17(5) and s. 17(5.2) must be read together when considering a variation order to permit the relocation of a child.  The parent seeking the order does not need to demonstrate and the court does not need to satisfy itself there has been a change in the circumstances of the child beyond the proposed relocation.  This approach was also taken by Trousdale J. in Cote v. Parsons, 2021 ONSC 3719 when considering a recent Motion to Change to allow for the relocation of children.”

         Al Kowatli v. Berrwin, 2021 ONSC 4999 (CanLII) at 17-20

July 14, 2022 – Pets

“Although pets are often viewed by people as members of their family, in law they are personal property much like other chattels, even when purchased during the course of a relationship. In that regard, they are an indivisible piece of property. The relevant question is ownership, not who wants the dog more or who has more love and affection for the dog, or even who would be the best owner: Brown v. Larochelle, 2017 BCPC 115 (“Brown”), at para. 16; Henderson v. Henderson, 2016 SKQB 282 at paras. 23, 40; Warnica v. Gering, 2004 CanLII 50065 (“Warnica”), at para. 28, aff’d 2005 CanLII 30838, at para. 6.

The court has authority to determine ownership and to provide compensation for harm to property interests: King v. Mann, 2020 ONSC 108 (“King”), at para. 19. The court has no general discretion to redistribute property or alter ownership, but as with other kinds of property there may be issues as to whether a particular piece of property was made a gift or whether it is held in trust for another party, by way of constructive or resulting trust: King, at para. 20.

The traditional approach to determining who owns the dog focuses primarily on who purchased and paid for the dog and whether there are any discrete transactions where ownership changed: Baker v. Hamina, 2018 NLCA 15 (“Baker”), at para. 11; Warnica; Brown, at para. 16.

In the recent case Coates v. Dickson, 2021 ONSC 992, at para. 8, the court took a broader approach to ownership than who purchased the dog, and held that the court should take into account the following when determining the ownership of a dog:

a.    Whether the animal was owned or possessed by one of the people before the relationship began;

b.   Any express or implied agreement as to ownership, made either at the time the animal was acquired or after;

c.    The nature of the relationship between the people contesting ownership at the time the animal was first acquired;

d.    Who purchased and/or raised the animal;

e.    Who exercised care and control of the animal;

f.    Who bore the burden of the care and comfort of the animal;

g.    Who paid for the expenses related to the animal’s upkeep;

h.    Whether at any point the animal was gifted by the original owner to the other person;

i.    What happened to the animal after the relationship between the litigants changed; and

j.    Any other indicia of ownership, or evidence of agreement relevant to who has or should have the ownership of the animal.”

         Duboff v. Simpson, 2021 ONSC 4970 (CanLII) at 15-18

July 13, 2022 – Injunctions and Preservation Orders

“The parties agree that as joint owners of McKendry Road they are both presumptively entitled to their share of the net proceeds from the sale.  They also agree that the onus is on the applicant as the moving party to show that a preservation order is necessary with respect to the respondent’s share to protect her interest.  They further agree that her request is injunctive relief (see section 101 of the Courts of Justice Act), namely a court order that commands or, in this case, prevents an action.

As to the law regarding interlocutory injunctions generally, RJR-MacDonald Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General), 1994 CanLII 117 (SCC), [1994] S.C.J. No. 17, at paragraphs 77 and 80 sets out the governing three-part American Cyanamid test [American Cyanamid Co. v. Ethicon Ltd., [1975] A.C. 396].  At the first stage, an applicant for interlocutory relief must demonstrate a serious question to be tried.  That is to be determined based on a common sense and an “extremely limited” review of the case on the merits.  A motions court judge should only go beyond a preliminary investigation of the merits when the result of the interlocutory motion will in effect amount to a final determination of the action, where the only issue is a simple question of law, or where there is no real conflict on the facts.  At the second stage the applicant must convince the court that he or she will suffer irreparable harm if the relief is not granted. The third branch of the test requires an assessment of the balance of inconvenience.

Notwithstanding that general test, injunctions seeking to preserve assets prior to trial have always been viewed as largely unavailable based on the principle that execution cannot be obtained before judgment, and judgment cannot be obtained before trial.  This is commonly referred to as the ‘general rule in Lister’ from Lister & Co. v. Stubbs, [1886-90] All E.R. 797: see Aetna Financial Services Ltd. v. Feigelman, 1985 CanLII 55 (SCC), [1985] 1 S.C.R. 2, at paragraphs 8 and 9.  The court will not grant an injunction to restrain a party from parting with his or her assets so that they may be preserved in case the other party’s claim succeeds (Aetna at para. 8).  That is what the applicant is seeking here.

There are a few long established exceptions to the Lister rule as described in Aetna at paragraph 9.  Some have since been codified.  For example, there is an exception now found in Rule 45 of the Rules of Civil Procedure to the effect that the rule does not apply where the moving party is seeking a restraint on the removal or dissipation of the very asset that is in question in the proceeding.  That is not the case here, as the unjust enrichment claim is with respect to a pension, not McKendry Road.  However, other exceptions do apply to the applicant’s claims here as set out below, with the question being whether the applicable tests have been met.

The first is that there is a codified exception found in section 40 of the Family Law Act that permits the court to make an order restraining the depletion of a spouse’s property that would impair or defeat a claim to support.  It is well established that the usual test for an interlocutory injunction as set out in RJR-MacDonald above applies, the first part being whether there is a serious issue to be tried: Taus v. Harry, 2016 ONSC 219 at para. 33; Price v. Price, 2016 ONSC 728 at paragraphs 5 and 6; Fraser v. Fraser, 2017 ONSC 3774 at para. 59; and Cummings v. Cummings, 2020 ONSC 3093 at para. 82.

The applicant also requests a preservation order related to her claim for unjust enrichment.  She argues that the same general interlocutory injunction test (‘serious issue to be tried’) applies.  However, she has not established a statutory exception. As an aside, there is an exception at section 12 of the Family Law Act with respect to preservation orders to secure equalization claims, for which the case law suggests that the same usual interlocutory injunction test applies, but we are not dealing with an equalization claim here.  The only available exception comes from the common law and is the relatively more recent Mareva injunction.  It is only available where the moving party maintains that there is a real risk that the remaining significant assets of the responding party are about to be removed or disposed of as to render nugatory any judgment obtained after trial (see Aetna at paragraphs 15 and 25).  Unless there is a genuine risk of disappearance of assets, either inside or outside the jurisdiction, the injunction will not issue (Aetna at para. 26).  It requires the moving party to demonstrate a strong prima facie case rather than a good arguable case (Aetna at para. 30).  The full test is set out in Chitel v. Rothbart 1982 CanLII 1956 (ON CA), [1982] O.J. No. 3540 (C.A.) at para. 43, 55 to 57, helpfully summarized by Justice Trimble in Karpacheva v. Karpacheva, 2018 ONSC 4563 at paragraphs 33 and 34 as follows (citations omitted):

[33]      In order for the court to impose a Mareva injunction the party seeking the injunction must satisfy the court of the following things:

a)   the plaintiff must also show that he or she has a strong prima faciecase;

b)    the plaintiff must make full and fair disclosure of all material matters within his or her knowledge;

c)     the plaintiff must give particulars of the claim against the defendant, stating the grounds of the claim, the amount thereof, and the points that could be fairly made against it by the defendant;

d)    the plaintiff must give the basis for believing that the defendant has assets in the jurisdiction;

e)     the plaintiff must give grounds for believing that there is a real risk of the assets being removed out of the jurisdiction, or disposed of within the jurisdiction, or otherwise dealt with so that the plaintiff will be unable to satisfy a judgment awarded to him or her; and

f)      the plaintiff must give an undertaking as to damages.

The factors outlined above are guidelines for the Court to consider as opposed to rigid criteria each of which must be met before the Mareva will issue. The Court, under Section 101 of the Courts of Justice Act, should ask whether it is just and equitable that a Mareva should issue …

I note that some of those criteria are directed at the circumstances where the injunction is sought on an ex parte basis (ie. subparagraphs 33 (b) and (c)), which is not the case here.  They are in addition to the usual interlocutory injunction criteria requiring a finding of irreparable harm and a balance of convenience: see Cummings v. Cummings paragraph 67 citing Electronics Inc. v. Sualim, 2014 ONSC 5050 at para. 67.

The Mareva injunction test has been applied recently in a number of family law cases, a few of which have already been noted: for example see Karpacheva v. KarpachevaLaliberte v. Monteith, 2018 ONSC 7032, Hadaro v. Patter, 2019 ONSC 4574, and Cummings v. Cummings.”

         Boutin v. Loucitt, 2021 ONSC 5594 (CanLII) at 11-18

July 12, 2022 – Relocation Orders & Custody Determinations

“The appellant submits that the relocation order should be set aside because: 1) the trial judge erred by determining the question of the children’s relocation to Lindsay before deciding the issue of custody contrary to this court’s decision in Bjornson v. Creighton (2002), 2002 CanLII 45125 (ON CA), 62 O.R. (3d) 236 (C.A.), leave to appeal refused, [2003] S.C.C.A. No. 14; 2) the trial judge erred in his application of the law on relocation to the facts of this case; and 3) the trial proceeded in an unfair manner to the appellant whose adjournment and accommodation requests because of her disability went unheeded such that a new hearing is required.

We do not accept these submissions.

First, we do not read this court’s decision in Bjornson as establishing an absolute rule or requirement that the issue of custody must be determined before the issue of relocation. Rather, the sequence depends on the circumstances of the case and, specifically, on the best interests of the children. Bjornson arose out of the particular circumstances of that case: the sequence in which the trial judge dealt with relocation and custody was criticized because it caused him to err – he did not make the depth of enquiry required in the circumstances and failed to give the evidence of the custodial parent the great respect or most serious consideration to which it was entitled.”

         Moreton v. Inthavixay, 2021 ONCA 501 (CanLII) at 7-9

July 11, 2022 – Rule 24(2) of the Family Law Rules: Costs vs Children’s Aid

“Subrule 24(2) of the Family Law Rules, O. Reg. 114/99. (“Family Law Rules”) sets out that in a child protection case there is no presumption that the successful party is entitled to a costs order.

The rationale for making child protection cases an exception to the presumptive entitlement to costs stems from the fact that a society has a statutory obligation to initiate and pursue proceedings if there is reason to believe a child is in need of protection. It should not be dissuaded from the pursuit of its statutory mandate by costs considerations: see: Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa- Carleton v. S. 2003 CanLII 88994 (ON SCDC), [2003] O.J. No. 945 (SCJ – Divisional Court).

Justice Chappel conducted a thorough review of the case law concerning costs claims against child protection agencies in Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton v. K.L., 2014 ONSC 3679 (CanLII), 2014 O.J. No. 2860  and set out the following principles:

a.    Child protection agencies do not enjoy immunity from a costs award.

b.    The starting point in analyzing a claim for costs against a child protection agency is that child welfare professionals should not be penalized for carrying out their statutory obligation to protect children.

c.    The approach to costs as against child welfare agencies must balance the importance of encouraging child protection professionals to err on the side of protecting children and the need to ensure that those professionals exercise good faith, due diligence and reason in carrying out their statutory mandate.

d.    The high threshold of “bad faith” is not the standard by which to determine a claim for costs against a child protection agency.

e.    Costs will generally only be awarded against a Children’s Aid Society in circumstances where the public at large would perceive that the Society has acted in a patently unfair and indefensible manner.

f.    A Society should not be sanctioned through costs for an error in judgment, or in cases where the nature of the case makes it very difficult to weigh and balance the evidence and predict the legal outcome.

g.    Important factors to consider in deciding whether costs against a Society are appropriate include the following:

i.     Has the Society conducted a thorough investigation of the issues in question?

ii.     Has the Society remained open minded about possible versions of relevant events?

iii.      Has the Society reassessed its position as more information became available?

iv.    Has the Society been respectful of the rights and dignity of the children and parents involved in the case?

v.     In cases involving procedural impropriety on the part of a Society, the level of protection from costs may be lower if the irregularity is not clearly attributable to the Society’s efforts to diligently carry out its statutory mandate of protecting children.

A child protection agency should neither be rewarded nor punished by an order for costs, but rather it should be held accountable. See: Children’s Aid Society of Brant v. D.M.C. and J.C., 1997 CanLII 9575 (ON CJ), [1997] O.J. No. 3145 (OCJ).

The lens through which the society’s conduct is viewed is that of the properly informed, reasonable person, considering the society’s conduct and the prejudice caused to the child or parent by that conduct: see: Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto v. S.V., 2000 O.J. No. 5866 (OCJ).

Once liability for costs is established in a child protection proceeding, the court must determine the appropriate amount of costs, having reference to the provisions of Rule 24: see: Children’s Aid Society of Halton v. J.S., supraChildren’s Aid Society of Hamilton v. K.L., supra.”

Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa v. J.K., 2019 ONSC 4231 (CanLII) at 39-44

July 8, 2022 – Reconciliation Therapy & the New Divorce Act

“The applicant believes that the children are being negatively influenced against him by the respondent, while the respondent maintains that she encourages the children to go, but that they adamantly refuse.

The court has authority, both under the Divorce Act and the Children’s Law Reform Act, to make an order for reconciliation counselling as an incident of a parenting order:  Leelaratna v. Leelaratna, 2018 ONSC 5983 (Ont. S.C.J.), paras. 45-46; and R.N. v. A.N., 2019 ONSC 163 (Ont. S.C.J.).

Those cases dealt with the Divorce Act and the Children’s Law Reform Act prior to the recent amendments.  However, in relation to the Children’s Law Reform Act, the relevant portions of s. 28(1)(b) and (c), as considered in Leelaratna, have not been affected in any material way by the amendments:  B.W.G. v. N.H.M., 2021 ONSC 2727 (Ont. S.C.J.), paras. 24-25.

In relation to the Divorce Act, prior to the recent amendments, Leelaratna relied on s. 16(6), which provided that the court “may impose such other terms, conditions or restrictions in connection therewith as it thinks fit and just” in relation to a custody or access order (para. 45).

Currently, s. 16.1(5) of the Divorce Act contains wording that, while not identical, is similar and would authorize an order for reconciliation counselling as an incident of a parenting order:

16.1(5) The court may make an order for a definite or indefinite period or until a specified event occurs, and may impose any terms, conditions and restrictions that it considers appropriate.  [my emphasis]

In addition, s. 16.1(4)(d) includes as follows in relation to a parenting order:

16.1(4) The court may, in the order,

(d) provide for any other matter that the court considers appropriate.  [my emphasis]

I find that an order for reconciliation therapy in the current circumstances can be regarded as a method of enforcing an existing order.

The Divorce Act amendments support, specifically, a family dispute resolution process.

Section 2(1) of the Divorce Act contains the following definition of “family dispute resolution process”:

a process outside of court that is used by parties to a family law dispute to attempt to resolve any matters in dispute, including negotiation, mediation and collaborative law

The Divorce Act imposes on the parties the following duties in ss. 7.2 and 7.3:

Protection of children from conflict

7.2 A party to a proceeding under this Act shall, to the best of their ability, protect any child of the marriage from conflict arising from the proceeding.

Family dispute resolution process

7.3 To the extent that it is appropriate to do so, the parties to a proceeding shall try to resolve the matters that may be the subject of an order under this Act through a family dispute resolution process.

I am not able to accept the respondent’s primary submission.  This is not a time for more litigation including oral questioning.  It is a time to explore a solution through clinical intervention.”

         C.M.W.T. v. M.M.M., 2021 ONSC 4809 (CanLII) at 43-53