May 16, 2024 – Children’s Views and Preferences

“In a recent decision in J.N. v. C.G., 2023 ONCA 77, the Court of Appeal for Ontario set out the well settled factors to consider when determining the weight to accord to the children’s views and preferences per Decaen v. Decaen, 2013 ONCA 218, 303 O.A.C. 261, at para. 42:

1) whether the parents are able to provide adequate care

2) how clear and unambivalent the wishes are

3) how informed the expression is

4) the age of the child

5) the child’s maturity level

6) the strength of the wish

7) how long they have expressed their preference

8) the practicalities of the situation

9) parental influence

10) overall context; and

11) the circumstances of the preference from the child’s point of view.”

         J.I. v. A.A., 2023 ONSC 2942 (CanLII) at 226