May 25, 2023 – Interim Variations of Final Orders

“While the Divorce Act does not specifically provide for the interim variation of a final order, the case law that has developed, prior to the most recent amendment, allows for such a variation in the appropriate circumstances. I see nothing in the most recent amendments of the Divorce Act that has altered the provisions regarding variations in any substantial way. Accordingly, the case law that has developed to this point will continue to be of assistance to this court when determining if such a variation is appropriate.  If though, a variation is determined to be appropriate, the new provisions in the Divorce Act regarding the best interests of the child, the avoidance of conflict, and consideration of family violence must be considered when making any order.

In Innocente v. Innocente, 2014 ONSC 7082 (CanLII), Gauthier J. summarized the applicable law as follows:

[45] In those cases where a temporary or interim variation of a final order has been granted, the courts have found what are in my view, exceptional circumstances:

(a) To prevent undue hardship;

(b) Where the failure to make the interim order would be incongruous or absurd; and

(c) Where there is a pressing and immediate urgency.

Justice Pazaratz, in F.K. v. A.K., 2020 ONSC 3726 has provided an excellent review of the legal considerations when faced with a request for to change a final order. He sets out the following:

[48]          To determine a request to change custody, access or parenting order, the court must embark on a two-stage inquiry: Gordon v. Goertz 1996 CanLII 191 (SCC), [1996] 2 S.C.R. 27 (S.C.C.).

 [49]          The first step: There must be a material change in circumstances since the last order was made.

a.    There must be a change in the condition, means, needs or circumstances of the child and/or the ability of the parents to meet those needs.

b.    The change must materially affect the child.

c.    It must be a change which was either not foreseen or could not have been reasonably contemplated by the judge who made the initial order. The change must be substantial, continuing and “if known at the time, would likely have resulted in a different order.” L.M.L.P. v. L.S.[2011] SCC 64.

d.    The finding of a material change in circumstances is a prerequisite to an examination of the merits of an application to vary an existing custody or access order.

e.    If there is no material change in circumstances, the inquiry ends. The court would be without jurisdiction to vary the order. Litman v. Sherman, 2008 ONCA 485 (Ont. C.A.).

f.    If there is a material change, the court must move to the second stage and consider the best interests of the child and whether to vary the original order.

 [50]          The second step: 

a.    If a material change in circumstances has been established the court then embarks on a fresh inquiry into the best interests of the child.

b.    In this fresh inquiry, both parties bear the evidentiary burden of demonstrating where the best interests of the child lie. There is no legal presumption in favour of the custodial parent, or in favour of maintaining the existing timesharing arrangements. Bubis v. Jones, 2000 CanLII 22571 (ON SC); Persaud v. Garcia-Persaud2009 ONCA 782; Deslauriers v. Russell, 2016 ONSC 5285; Roloson v. Clyde, 2017 ONSC 3642.

c.    The court must ascertain the child’s best interests from the perspective of the child rather than that of the parents. Parental preferences and rights do not play a role in the analysis, except to the extent that they are necessary to ensure the best interests of the child. Gordon v. Goertz; Young v. Young2003 CanLII 3320 (Ont. CA).

d.    The child should have maximum contact with both parents if it is consistent with the child’s best interests. Gordon v. Goertz; Rigillio v Rigillio2019 ONCA 548 (Ont. CA).

Pazaratz J. then identifies that when a party seeks a temporary variation of a final parenting order, the court is required to conduct an even more stringent analysis. He states at para. 52:

a.    In all instances, courts must exercise caution before changing an existing arrangement which children have become used to.

b.    This is especially the case where the existing parenting arrangement has been determined by way of court order. The starting point is that court orders are presumed to be correct. Montgomery v. Montgomery1992 CanLII 8642 (ON CA); Gordon v. Gordon2015 ONSC 4468 (SCJ); Oickle v. Beland 2012 ONCJ 778 (OCJ).

c.     And the level of required caution is further heightened if the court is being asked to change a final parenting order on a temporary basis. If the general rule is that we are reluctant to change temporary orders pending trial, then it goes without saying that we should be even more reluctant to change final orders pending determination of the issue.

d.    Although counsel did not raise jurisdiction as an issue, I am satisfied the court has the authority to grant a temporary variation of a final order — in the appropriate circumstances. Stokes v. Stokes2014 ONSC 1311 (SCJ); Huliyappa v Menon2012 ONSC 5668 (SCJ); Clements v Merriam 2012 ONCJ 700 (OCJ).

e.     But the evidentiary basis to grant such a temporary variation must be compelling.

f.     The court must start with the aforementioned two-part material change in circumstances analysis.

g.     But for a temporary variation, the court must also assess whether the changed circumstances have created a situation of actual or potential harm, danger, or prejudice for the child; of such nature or magnitude that immediate rectification or correction are required to safeguard the child’s best interests.

h.     The onus on the party seeking a temporary variation is onerous. They must establish that in the current circumstances the existing order results in an untenable or intolerable situation, jeopardizing the child’s physical and/or emotional well-being. They must establish that the situation is so serious and potentially harmful that any delay in addressing the problem is likely to continue or exacerbate actual or potential physical and/or emotional harm for the child.

i.     The court must be satisfied that the child’s best interests require an immediate change – to reduce the detrimental impact of unacceptable negative dynamics or behaviours.

j.    The court must be satisfied that the existing order has come to be demonstrably contrary to the best interests of the child – and that the proposed temporary variation is urgently needed to shield the child from likely future harm.

k.     Implicitly, the court must have a level of confidence that the temporary variation would not only remove the child from a negative situation, but that the proposed new arrangement is so necessary and beneficial that it would be unfair to the child to delay implementation.

l.     And given the qualitative difference between untested affidavit materials on a motion compared with a more thorough evidentiary analysis at a trial or oral hearing, the court must be satisfied – on a balance of probabilities – that a clear and compelling need to make an immediate change has been established.

m.     On a temporary motion, the status quo will have a strong gravitational pull – until the moment when the court determines that a child is in peril. After that, priority switches to rescuing and protecting the child. And the pace of correction is directly related to the magnitude of the child’s current exposure to harm.”

        Tone v. Tone, 2021 ONSC 3747 (CanLII) at 20-23